
How to Safely Turn Off Your Traeger Grill: A Step-by-Step Guide

Grilling on a Traeger grill is a delightful experience that infuses your food with that unmistakable wood-fired flavor. But just as important as firing up your grill is knowing how to properly turn it off when you’re done cooking. Safety is paramount, and understanding the correct shutdown process ensures that your Traeger grill remains in good condition and ready for your next culinary adventure. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of safely turning off your Traeger grill.

Why Turning Off Your Traeger Grill Safely Matters

Turning off your Traeger grill correctly is not only about safety; it also affects the longevity and performance of your grill. Abruptly shutting off the grill without following the proper steps can lead to temperature fluctuations, damage to components, and even potential hazards.

Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Turning Off Your Traeger Grill

Step 1: Complete the Cooking Process

Before you start the shutdown process, make sure that your cooking is complete. Your food should be fully cooked and ready to be removed from the grill.

Step 2: Turn Off the Controller

Begin the shutdown process by turning off the grill’s controller. The controller is the central unit that manages temperature and other settings. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the power button or switch on the controller panel.

  2. Press or flip the power button to turn off the controller. This action will stop the grill’s heating element and fan.

Step 3: Wait for the Fire to Die Down

After turning off the controller, it’s essential to wait for the fire to die down and the temperature to decrease. This step ensures that the grill is safe to handle and minimizes the risk of accidents.

Step 4: Close the Lid

Once the fire has died down and the grill’s temperature has significantly decreased, close the grill’s lid. Closing the lid helps retain any remaining heat inside the grill and prevents rain, debris, and pests from entering the cooking chamber.

Step 5: Turn Off the Power Source

If your Traeger grill is plugged into an electrical outlet, it’s crucial to unplug it from the power source. This step prevents any potential electrical issues and ensures that the grill is completely disconnected from the power supply.

Step 6: Clean the Grill Grates

While the grill is still warm (but not scorching hot), take the opportunity to clean the grill grates. Use a grill brush to remove any remaining food particles, grease, and residue. Cleaning the grates after each use not only maintains the grill’s performance but also contributes to food safety.

Step 7: Empty the Ashes

If your Traeger grill is equipped with an ash collection system, this is a good time to empty the ash bin. Built-up ashes can affect airflow and temperature control in future cooking sessions.

Step 8: Cover the Grill

If you have a grill cover, place it over the Traeger grill once it has cooled down. A cover protects the grill from the elements, helping to extend its lifespan and maintain its appearance.

Additional Tips for Traeger Grill Safety


Safely turning off your Traeger grill is a critical aspect of responsible grilling. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your grill. Remember that safety and proper maintenance not only protect you but also enhance the performance and longevity of your Traeger grill, allowing you to continue creating delicious wood-fired dishes for years to come.

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